This is not the story about a life full of sewing experience, in fact quite the opposite. I am self taught with the assistance of various blogs, pictures, and YouTube. Through much trial and error I learned how to sew and then to quilt. I started making quilts for family and loved the process of pulling together all of these fabrics to make something really unique and tailored for each of their recipients. Quilts are a fascinating mix of calculated cuts and freestyle creativity, each creating their own story along the way and I got hooked on being able to tell it.
Becoming One & Only.
Through constant experimentation I started making more and more and before I knew it I had this little collection of blankets, housewares, and textile art. I got a nudge to start selling them and wholeheartedly ran with the idea. I wanted my products to stay genuine and have the same feel as if they were custom made. I vowed to not mass-produce at any scale. Every product is uniquely yours and you will never find the same one sitting on your friend’s kitchen table.
It may be a tall order but I want you to love your One & Only products forever. I want your colorful napkins to come out every spring and your children to tote their baby quilts off to college with them. Everything I make carries a little piece of myself with it and I stand by my words that each will be unique, timeless, and well-crafted.